
Artec's approach to quality encompasses the development, monitoring and review of processes and procedures which support best practice in complying with quality standards within the national regulatory framework. In harmony with our vision and values we are committed to implementing and maintaining an effective integrated quality management system that has as its objectives:
  • Compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001/2015 as defined in the Company’s business plan
  • Compliance with AS 4801 as defined in the Company’s integrated quality management system
  • Compliance with our service deliverable principles in maintaining our independence in the provision of advice and consultant services.
  • All operating entities, comply with the legislative frame work set down in the company quality management system. In doing this all entities undertake to provide:
  • management systems which are responsive to the needs of clients, staff and stakeholders and the environment in which they operate flexible, innovative services which are introduced in a systematic and sustainable way
  • quality training and recruitment services across all of their operations
  • continuous improvement of training and recruitment, client services and management systems which are centered around maximising outcomes for all clients
  • Provide support to all stakeholders as they review and improve their workforce planning strategies